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INSPIRE Helsinki 2019

INSPIRE Helsinki 2019


With "Inspire Helsinki 2019", the INSPIRE community has broken new ground. Together with a total of 168 participants from 28 countries, con terra also used this opportunity to discuss the future of INSPIRE.



security.manager available in the ArcGIS Marketplace


security.manager – ArcGIS Edition is now available in the ArcGIS Marketplace.

INTERGEO 2019, Stuttgart



Visit us at Intergeo 2019 and experience Geo AI live!

Esri Developer Summit Europe
Esri DevSummit Europe

Esri DevSummit Europe

04.11.2019 - 06.11.2019

The Esri Developer Summit Europe offers the unique opportunity to network with other developers and users and to get in contact with Esri experts.

User-centered redesign

User-centered redesign

The objective is to more easily integrate the open geodata from GEOportal.NRW and establish the mutual exchange with the Open.NRW portal.

User-centered Design for the mCLOUD Open Data Portal

User-centered Design for the mCLOUD Open Data Portal

The results of the UCD workshop flow into the user-centered and sustainable further development of the mCLOUD as important decision aids.

SITMUN: an SDI for municipal management
Diputació de Barcelona

SITMUN: an SDI for municipal management

FME Desktop and FME Server were used to design an SDI that incorporates interoperability, validation and geographic information processing features in a web environment for facilitating municipal management.

ERGO GIS Assistance

ERGO GIS Assistance

Stable and secure assistance solution, providing comprehensive support on demand.