New INSPIRE Web Services in Saxony


New INSPIRE Web Services in Saxony

The State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology (LfULG) and the State Enterprise Geobasisinformation und Vermessung Sachsen (GeoSN) provided nine new INSPIRE view and download services for the public on 14 October 2020. This transposes the European INSPIRE Directive. con terra was pleased to support GeoSN and LfULG in this project. 


According to the INSPIRE Directive, all data covered by the INSPIRE reporting obligation must be made publicly available according to European standards by 21 October 2020. Since 14 October, it is now possible to access the Saxon web services online and to integrate them into geographical information systems as well as into portals. Now available are web services for seven geological maps as well as for energy raw materials and mineral resources. The associated metadata are also publicly available. 


In order to achieve a high user acceptance, the services now published fulfil technical requirements introduced by LfULG and go far beyond the minimum requirements of INSPIRE. Guidance on how to use the map and data services as well as the metadata is also provided. 



INSPIRE Webdienste


Thomas Wojaczek, con terra

Thomas Wojaczek

+49 251 59689 300