Geo-Services are now even more secure


Geo-Services are now even more secure

security.manager starts the year 2019 with many innovations. con terra has significantly expanded both the ArcGIS Edition and the Enterprise Edition.


Protection of sensitive attribute information


With the ability to restrict access to attribute fields, the new version of security.manager – ArcGIS Edition can now also authorize individual fields of a layer. In this respect, it is functionally equivalent to the Enterprise Edition. This not only suppresses the visibility of the field, but also prevents these fields from being used for queries. Thus, the service appears to an unauthorized user as if the corresponding field did not exist at all. 
If, for example, sensitive data such as sales figures of individual locations of a company are to be protected within a layer, the "sales field" can simply be hidden in the corresponding branch layer for defined users.


Protection of ArcGIS Pro services 


With the new ArcGIS Enterprise Version 10.6.1, security.manager - ArcGIS Edition also offers extended possibilities. The new version of ArcGIS Edition, implemented as ArcGIS Server Server Object Interceptor extension, can now also secure ArcGIS Pro services in addition to the services published via ArcMap.

security manager

Optimized group administration 


There have also been extensive innovations in the Enterprise Edition of security.manager. With a refined role concept for group administrators, you can now create your own roles that are only visible within your own group. In addition, roles can be assigned directly to groups, allowing for a further level of abstraction when assigning rights.


WFS Stored Queries 


Good news also for the users of OGC Web Feature Services.  The use of stored queries –  i.e. predefined WFS queries – for protected services is now possible with the Enterprise Edition. Thus, the security.manager permissions always work in the same way, regardless of whether the user uses a stored query or queries the WFS in the conventional way.
In addition, it is now also possible to authorize individual stored queries for specific roles in order to make them accessible to specific user groups.


Discover the extended functionality of the two security.manager editions. We will be happy to provide you with more informations.

Your contact

Christoph Uhlenküken, con terra

Christoph Uhlenküken

+49 251 59689 300